Acorn-potato-corn Bread
This unusual recipe combines Acorn, potato, and corn with wheat flour. It was originally published in the book “Cooking with Spirit, – North American Indian Food and Fact”, By Darcy Williamson and Lisa Railsback Copyright 1987 by Darcy Williamson. Published by Maverick Publications, Drawer 5007, Bend, Oregon 97701
6 Tbl. cornmeal
1/2 C cold water
1 C boiling water
1/4 C lukewarm water
1 tsp sale
1 Tbl butter
1 pkg active dry yeast
1 C mashed potatoes
2 C all-purpose flour
2 C finely ground leached acorn meal
Mix cornmeal with cold water, add boiling water and cook 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Add salt and butter and cool to lukewarm.
Proof yeast in lukewarm water.
Add remaining ingredients to corn mixture, along with yeast.
Knead to a stiff sticky dough.
Cover and let rise in warm place until doubled in bulk.
Punch down, shape into two loaves, cover and let rise until doubled in bulk.
Bake at 375 degrees F for 45 minutes.